Monday, June 06, 2005

Present Tense Crazy Notion #3, But Somebody Already Beat Me To The Punch;)

During or near the end of my last post (Present Tense Crazy Notion #2), the follow up crazy idea popped into my head but I did not have the strength to go on.

Lo and behold while it was still within my spirit, I saw a couple of websites this past weekend that informed me that it had already happened and is still going on to a certain degree.

There are more than a few dirty secrets not just within Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. but within all fraternities period. Then again, we must add the full slate of sororities to the accused mix as well.

There are more than a few episodes of directly and indirectly colluding together to maintain interorganizational harmony. Within such episodes, the mentality is that if we stay away from certain areas, then others who might become our competition would stay away from ours. It is truly, "Don't touch ours and we will leave yours alone".

I must admit that I never considered this idea until recently realizing that we are living within an age that nothing about our present sense of being organized human beings is untouchable.

Therefore what was accepted as the norm is now being placed on the table for discussion for possible change, rearranging, and further development.

When I saw the websites, I saw another one regarding an identical situation with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. that mentioned that the Interfraternity Council (IFC) legal counsel had advised its member organizations that "little sister organizations" should be immediately disbanded due to placing the organizations at risk of legal liability.

It says specifically:

"According to the IFC (The InterFraternity Council, governing body for white fraternities), auxiliary groups posed a threat to the single-sex status of Greek organizations which, under the U.S. Civil Rights Act, are allowed to discriminate against members of the opposite sex. But that status may be whittled away in the courts if Greeks maintain organizations of the opposite sex that perform many of the activities of a full member, such as paying dues and helping with pledging, while not enjoying full membership. This fear is underscored by a Nebraska court case in which a little sister (for a white fraternity) sued for, and won, membership in her fraternity because she was engaged in the same activities as the brothers."

Legal liability is the greatest fear of all modern-day Greek-letter organizations. Just mention to an officer the possibility of the group being sued, and the Red Sea that appears within the organization will suddenly open.

Organizational behavior, mindsets, and previous internal doctrine will suddenly rearrange themselves in efforts combining both disciplined order and suicidal chaos to stay alive and unfortunately, remain within the same terrible shape that the organizations currently exist.

Let me end the building suspense and confirm the idea within some minds by simply showing the link that have photos to visually express Present Tense Crazy Notion #3:

Here is a link that revealed to me the extent at which young ladies have organized themselves within the aftermath of being left alone until the next fundraiser, social event, or service program is undertaken.

I have saved the images to my hard drive just for future reference in case the website suddenly disappears.

The impact of this Present Tense Crazy Notion #3 is that there are fraternity brothers who will say to themselves "If this is going to be the case, I might as well go to church and avoid having to pay dues".

My Brothers, this is the direction that you as an individual are clearly going in by force or by choice.

The gates of maintaining secret and separate organizations are going to fall by choice or by force.

My thoughts on this later. This is not a proposal at all, but just an identification of an idea that I myself would have never considered before. The rationale and pros and cons must be very interesting though.

Yours in the Bond!

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