Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Harnessing the Power of the Internet

Yahoo! News has an article on blogging that shows the power of the internet and individuals in providing input for better a decision-making process.

The article includes the statement on the latest Supreme Court nominee process that is still applicable to any organization by Fordham University communications professor Paul Levinson. "But now with the Internet, we're in an environment where all the world's knowledge is available and can be brought to bear on an appointment. It democratizes the appointment process and brings the maximum number of human minds into the process."

This is how any organization could successfully return the power and rights of individuals versus trying to reach a political utopia through representative democracy.

One extreme or the other is not the way to go, but with a balance.

Trying to run a country or organization with the minimum number of human minds (and members) is clearly not the way to go.

There is indeed nothing to fear but fear itself.

Yours in the Bond!

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