Sunday, July 10, 2005

Stronger Focus for this Blog

I had taken a break from creating posts while knowing that there is specific niche for this blog versus any other Kappa related websites, mailing lists, etc.

I was asked if I was angry or bitter about something and I realized that a better focus will provide a better explanation and justification for this blog.

Our URL now points to this blog if I have not mentioned it previously.

The byline (Yours in the Balancing Individual and Collective Achievement) now reflects the new aim: providing information on how to balance individual and collective achievement. We will include other issues from time to time while keeping our new focus in the forefront.

The quest for achievement has this unique conflict within each member and it never really has been addressed and each member is left to figure it out all on their own.

The question really are: when is individual achievement more desirable and beneficial versus seeking group achievement and vice versa? Is there a positive middle ground to satisfy both objectives?

I believe that answer can be resolved by the work of Nobel Prize winner John Nash and his principle of "governing dynamics" which was featured within the movie "A Beautiful Mind".

Governing dynamics is clearly not practiced in large measure within organizations such as Kappa since members who usually go for individual achievement are not financial or active on the local level.

But being focused entirely on group achievement leaves one without a family, legacy, and footprints worth following.

There are too many organizational groupies not only within Kappa, but virtually every organization known to man.

You can often identify the organizational groupies by the number of emblems of organizations that appear on the rear end of their cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

Something has to suffer if there is an imbalance.

Therefore finding the balance is the aim of this blog from now on.

We will not hesitate to call out and protest anything that seeks to shift the pendulum recklessly in a single direction.

Yours in the Bond!

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