Wednesday, September 07, 2005

News Comes From All Directions These Days!

Reuters is reporting with the headline "News junkies find Wikipedia more than encyclopedia" that collective efforts to inform and educate are rapidly becoming the preferred source versus depending upon the singular efforts of individuals.

The article reinforces last night's blog entry entitled "A Not-So-New Technology That Now Makes Most Mailing Lists Obsolete".

The next step in benefitting from such news is understanding that any collective efforts or organizational distribution of information requires that the information is freely released and nothing is considered esoteric.

I am sure that in some cases such as the secret formulas for Coca-Cola and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), there are financial benefits and rewards for keeping secrets as well as the defense barriers and borders to keep a nation safe from internal and external threats to its safety.

But the primary trait that is present within any situation where secrecy is the primary asset requires that the secrets are kept for the benefit of the largest number of people possible. Secrets cannot be kept and simultaneously expected to benefit a small minority.

Within the earlier examples if KFC or Coca-Cola were only available for sale to an exclusive few, then its benefit and value to mankind will be minimized. The value is increased because the usage of the secrets are available to all.

When small groups of individuals keep secrets that would supposedly benefit the masses, then its actions of repressing and suppressing a larger span and reach of achievement becomes immediately deplorable.

Again as I have stated before, it has to be the conscious determination of the organization to reveal its secrets voluntarily versus being revealed by a single individual or singular action.

Still, the best thing that is readily available within the progression of distribution information is the removal of gatekeepers which previously kept innovative and unusual or dissenting opinions within back rooms and closets as dirty secrets.

Now the confidence is present that individuals will know what truly has value and what will not.

Yours in the Bond!

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