Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Neophyte Fever: Wishful Thinking or Simple Maturity?

At times it seems that I wish that I could regain the neophyte fever that I was infected with upon crossing the Burning Sands back in 1984.

I wish that I could find the enthusiasm to drive for multiple hours on end in a simple search for others who shared a rich and glorious history with me in our Founders, innermost secrets, and methods of operating and undeniable victories.

I wish that I could be just as proud of another chapter's flyers for a dance, Guide Right programs, and attractions of a huge crowd for an event as I was for my own chapter.

But those days are gone with the era of a Sony cassette walkman;(

Those days were quietly ushered away moment by moment when I witnessed the transactions of smoke-filled rooms loaded with plenty of mirrors.

When I saw that another Brother would not be allowed to run for provincial office when the nominating chairman had his credentials in plenty of time, those days were taken away.

When I saw that regardless of what had successfully passed within a committee would create a sudden emergency and rapid transactions of scratch my chapter's back and we'll get yours in return, those days were taken away.

When I saw that in spite of what politically may have been legitimate and serve an actual purpose for a greater good at another time and place within the same closed door, backdoor and hallway moments become tainted, corrupt, and laced with envy, jealousy, and illwill, those days were taken away.

When I saw a former national officer insist on being elevated to a near-Founder status, those days were taken away.

When I saw that it was more proper for silence to speak lies and imply truth instead, those days were taken away.

When I saw the repeated excuse for nonattending members to steal moments with another lover while leaving the organizational burden upon others, those days were taken away.

When I saw the utter humanity being exposed within a group that I held in esteem of superheroes, those days were taken away.

In light of the fact that we are all human and all make mistakes, one may wonder why do I still extend the courtesies of brotherhood, goodwill, and esprit de corps?

The simple answer is that I cannot leave knowing that Christ Jesus did not turn away from mankind when we were mired in the same miry sinking sand.

I am here to minister, not to run for office, not to seek higher position, and not to endorse any candidate other than the best candidate that I have found to assist us in fulfilling who we say we are, what we say we are going to do, who we are going to become, and what we say we are going to have. His name is Jesus Christ.

Yes, there are those that say that they are believers and have more years of membership within earthly and heavenly bonds than I. But when I witness anything less than achievement in all human endeavors, believe me I am going to approach the mike.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. has been proven to me since my ministry began in 1996 to be one of the fishing holes as an avenue to advance the Kingdom of God.

Some others have not been called to such a mission and both they and I must respect each other's mission, capabilities, and desire to fulfill our individual and collective Kingdom missions regardless of where we must fish and win souls.

Inside the house or outside on the street, we must return to being on our knees in humility if we are the achievers born and bred since 1911.

Yours in the Bond

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