Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Ritual Resale on eBay: Rape or Consensual?

Since the buyer of the esoteric ritual has read all of the pages to his or her heart's delight, they are looking to flip the item and move on in full confidence of our innermost collective identity.


To foolishly send signals towards our highest levels at IHQ for a call to arms is a proverbial waste of time.

The first buyer got away with a successful transaction and we cannot seem to think that this one will be any different.

If there was a market for the contents of the ritual to be placed on t-shirts and successfully sold, then the proper coalition might contact an attorney on how we could obtain damages since the entrepreneur did not pay a vendor's fee.

The truth is that the actions of a truly curious and serious collector like this now reseller may actually work for the good of Kappa versus the further demise and end of our Noble Clan.

The drum has been sounded far too long for reformation to granted access into our dynamic organization and for the public release of critical information (esoteric wisdom) for the greater good of society.

Such calls have gone noticed but without any activity.

While whispers, nudges, and nods to watch certain individuals (Brothers) among us have proceeded at the speed of light via e-mails, high signs, and telephone calls, nothing has been done of notice for individual chapters, provinces, and at the Grand Chapter level to witness.

Have we now reached the thresholds of witnessing what we have not seen done through organized effort is actually being performed through inactivity?

I dare say that we have.

As long as the current and future resellers do not protest actively at our provincial and Grand Chapter meetings or upon the individual campuses with signs and banners bearing single phrases or sentences held by most as our secret treasure, then we shall not witness any acts to retain anything held of value by previous generations of Kappas.

We only had one single opportunity to remain a virgin and we witnessed that nothing was done. To seek to regain virgin status upon the pending birth of a second child requires immaculate self-disception indeed.

Yours in the Bond

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